Introduction to Biostatistical Methods with Applications to HIV and TB Research 2019
- Understand and apply basic biostatistical methods from descriptive statistics to hypothesis testing and linear regression;
- Increase statistical literacy to improve understanding and critical review of the scientific literature;
- Create better tables and figures through application of the principles learned;
- Describe key clinical trial design features with application to HIV vaccine trials;
- Apply basic data management principles to create accurate data sets;
- Conduct analyses in R, a widely-used statistical programming language.
This interactive workshop will provide an introduction to basic biostatistical concepts and statistical literacy,
basic data management, and introductory statistical programming in R. Concepts will be motivated from
real-world examples in clinical and laboratory research on HIV vaccines
and TB.
Workshop faculty include:
- Zoe Moodie, Senior Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA.
- Lori Dodd, Mathematical Statistician, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Maryland, USA.
- Leigh Fisher, Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA.
- Michael Duvenhage, Clinical Trials Data Operations Manager, Leidos Biomedical Research Inc., Maryland, USA.
- Tyler Bonnett, Biostatistician, Leidos Biomedical Research Inc., Maryland, USA.